Finding a good family physician that you can trust and fits well for you and your family can be just as tough as finding the right partner. We try to provide a comfortable environment for you and your whole family while still trying to provide the best possible care.
During your first visit you will be required to fill out your medical history forms and provide information about your current insurance
Forms required to be filled out can be downloaded and printed out from your home at your own convenience or you can simply fill out the forms in the office before your appointment:
Before meeting with the doctor the medical assistants will take you in and take the standard medical measurements (height, weight, temperature, blood pressure) and place you in the medical examining room where you will meet with the doctor to discus the reason for your visit.
You need to bring your insurance card and the necessary information needed to complete the medical forms if you so choose to fill out the forms at the office.
The time of the appointments can vary depending of the reason for the visit, however the standard appointment time with the doctor last about 20 minuets.
To book an appointment contact the office and the front desk will gladly help you find a date that works best for you (805) 524 - 2749
It is important to have regular check ups with your regular family practice physician to stay on top of your health and make sure you are up to date with all check ups, vaccinations and etcetera.